What if I wanted to copy one of your poems for my support group or my baby's memory book?
I often grant permission for my work to be used for non-profit, non-commercial reasons. The whole reason I created many of my designs and poetry is to help others heal. If you would like to reproduce my work for one of these reasons, please ask me. I may even be able to help you out by sending further materials, or to help raise money for your group.
Wow, what a great idea! I'd like to make a line of jewelry just like yours...if I change a few details, then the design is mine, right?
Ummm....in a word, no. Due to several recent cases where our unique designs and/or writing have been replicated for commercial purpose without permission, I unfortunately feel the need to post the following. Many people are naive about copyright law, as we now live in the age of copy and paste and right clicking.
Taking a design and altering a few slight details does not make it legal or OK in any way, shape or form. A new item inspired by one already created must contain a significant enough amount of new material that it is essentially, entirely different and new. The new item must be different enough that it is not confused in the eyes of the average consumer. We actively monitor and defend all of our copyrights and will prosecute any infringements.
What if I change just enough of the piece to satisfy the legal requirements?
Legally, yes, you may or may not get away with it. However, I believe if you have a conscience, doing so may give you some difficulties in sleeping at night. Everybody has their own moral code to live up to (or not live up to). I have a sneaking suspicion that even if you are temporarily in denial, on some level the guilt will catch up to you.
I live in a different country, so I can duplicate your work, and it's OK.
Actually, no. Copyright law is an international law, and we will prosecute theft of intellectual property across borders.
It doesn't hurt anybody if I copy a bracelet, or a necklace or a poem. Does it?
Yes, it does. Intellectual theft - the theft of ideas, designs, words - is stealing. Plain and simple. It is no different than walking into somebody's house and stealing their television or their computer. Every time somebody steals ideas, designs, photos, descriptions etc. from this site, they are stealing from myself, and the livelihood of my family.
Most of my pieces are born from my personal experiences with healing. I ask that you please respect that and do not seek to take the work that has been created out of my own life experience, and take it as your own. It is unethical, and immoral. It creates a great deal of stress, upset and heartache to see your work stolen - whether with knowledge and done purposefully, or by not knowing any better.
But I have also been through a similar life experience and I really think that I should have the right to use your work for myself and others...
I feel deeply for others who have experienced the loss of a child. I feel an immense amount of compassion and empathy for those going through the grieving process and like to help and support people through it. I likewise feel empathy and compassion for those going through rough times in their life. However, stealing is never right. And although you may be going through a hard time, taking somebody else's work is not going to make you feel good in the long run. As much as you may be hurting, hurting others by stealing will not lessen what you are feeling, and likely amplify it over time. It's a pretty simple case of the end result does not justify the means. And as much compassion as we may personally feel for others who have gone through these very difficult times, we will still actively defend our work to the full extent of the law.
If you belong to a support group that needs financial assistance or fund raising, please let us know about it. We like to learn about and support others doing good works in the world. We have many different fund raising options available in these cases.